Sunday, 10 March 2013

Transforming Tinies

Today we're highlighting a different sort of tiny, or perhaps a different way of seeing tinies.

As it happens, Meg is a bit shortsighted, and that means that from a distance, things aren't always what they seem.

Being shortsighted brings its own problems, but it also provides a shortcut to an unexpected angle on things, which is very useful for a writer. And sometimes it's not exactly shortsightedness but perhaps more like 'shortmindedness'; it's that Meg seems to view things from a wacky angle anyway - misreading, misconstruing, unintentionally overlooking the obvious in favour of the odd. Some of her most interesting ideas have had their beginnings in misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

Here are some misunderstood tinies - some of them kickstarted ideas, while others just made Meg smile. None of them could have been seen in this way - or perhaps at all - if Meg had been driving.

From a distance, this was a cravat-wearing gentleman. Up close, we have no idea what it is!

A viper makes its way across the local park.

A red-haired creature is trapped in the footpath, and it's not happy ...

If you open the lid, you might hear a tiny choir!
A ship's mast! A crows nest! There must be a shipwreck in this sea of grass!

"Shipwreck" from a closer vantage point. Not sure what this is; still happy with mast. Tiny pirates could be buried down there somewhere!

Meg's daily reminder to not let too much noise into her head, to not let 'stuff' weigh her down. It probably isn't what the Water Corporation intended, but she'll take it all the same.

So those are some transforming (transformed?) tinies. We bet there are hundreds all around you; if you don't have the gift of shortsightedness, just blink a bit, tilt your head on an odd angle, and let your imagination take over.


  1. Oh! I love the way you read the Water Corporation sign. I see those all the time and never thought about it like that. I'm wondering - do you have to think about doing this, or does it just happen? I just seem to see what's there and I wonder if this is something some people just do more naturally, or maybe I can learn it?
    - Jemma

  2. Ah, interesting question, Jemma. I think perhaps it's a bit of both. I think I've always done this to a certain extent, have always had a certain 'slant-wise' way of seeing. But I also think that the more you do it, the more accessible an alternative view becomes. It's certainly something that's increasingly opened up for me as I've done more creative work. I guess my answer is that perhaps some people do come to this more naturally, but I also think you can learn it, simply by 'doing' in a more conscious way to begin with.
    I hope that makes some kind of sense ... ?

