Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Tiny Things, Amazing Activities

We're taking a little break from our regularly scheduled tinies today because we've had an email that's too lovely not to share.

Jackie from My Little Bookcase wrote to tell us about how inspired she had been by Ten Tiny Things, and to share some of the follow-up activities she embarked on with her daughter, Cam.

With her permission, we've posted a selection of notes and images below. But we highly recommend you click over to My Little Bookcase to see the complete story of what these adventurers got up to, all of it beautifully illustrated with step-by-step photographs.

First, make yourself a tiny collecting box ...

... then take a nature walk.

Sort the tinies; describe your treasures ...
... and get kitted up for some serious crafting!

This is just the tiniest window into what Jackie and Cam got up to over a number of days; for all the details do take a moment to visit My Little Bookcase.

Jackie also wrote a lovely review of the book, and finished her email with the comment, Congratulations on a stunning book that was nothing short of inspiring for us.

In reply, we can only say that we are equally inspired by these fantastic activities. It is incredibly satisfying to see the ideas of the book being extended and developed in such rich and interesting ways. If you've used the book as a springboard for your own adventures, why not write and tell us? We'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Close-to-Home Tinies

So we've been to Singapore and Paris and Mississippi ... and today we return to our own backyard. These tinies come from a suburb near Fremantle.

These shoes have lost their tightrope walker

Anyone for juice?

A quiet watering hole for the birds

Footpath art

Stories on stories. If you look closely you can see the words "Long live verse" etched into the concrete underneath 
A closer view...

A secret grotto. What would live here?

The funkiest letterbox ever

And the second funkiest ...

A eucalyptus curtain
The opposite of tiny, but still a secret. A giant spider hiding in someone's yard.

I wonder where our next tinies will come from. And where they will take us...